Yagna (Havan) is claimed to be one of the highest act a man can perform as per the Vedic culture. We have built yagnashala where yagnas are performed daily 365 days a year with precise Vedic chants and all required offerings. Apart from the spiritual benefits there are innumerable other benefits of performing a yagna. Everyone gets benefit of pollution free environment, which we preserve by yagna.
Yajna means Lord Visnu, or sacrificial performances. All sacrificial performances also are meant for the satisfaction of Lord Visnu. The Vedas enjoin: yajno vai visnuh. In other words, the same purpose is served whether one performs prescribed yajnas or directly serves Lord Visnu.
If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, a fruit or water, I will accept it.:- Krsna accepts even a little flower from His pure devotee. He is not in need of anything from anyone, because He is self-sufficient, and yet He accepts the offering of His devotee in an exchange of love and affection. Without the basic principle of bhakti, nothing can include the Lord to agree to accept anything from anyone. Bhakti is never causal. The process is eternal. It is direct action in service to the absolute whole.
He clearly requests that a leaf, fruit, flowers and water be given to Him, and He says of this offering, “I will accept it.” In the Third Chapter, verse thirteen, Sri Krsna explains that only the remains of sacrifice are purified and fit for consumption by those who are seeking advancement in life and release from the clutches of the material entanglement. Those who do not make an offering of their food, He says in the same verse, are eating only sin. Krsna has no need of food, since He already possesses everything that be, yet He will accept the offering of one who desires to please Him in that way. The important element, in preparation, in serving and in offering, is to act with love for Krsna.